One Tow Over the Line
In the middle of California, an invisible line snakes its way through vineyards, broccoli fields, mountains and coastland. And...

An End, A Beginning, and the Crazy InBetween
With its odometer closing in on three hundred thousand miles, our big black truck grumbles now when we stop at red lights. I can hear a...

Three Forks, One Pie
After sleeping off her Camp Pali hangover, Lauren joined her despondent parents who were still calculating the cost of one expensive...

Ponytail, Vertical Style
I thought Lauren’s head would drop in her mashed potatoes at Pluto’s in San Francisco when we went out for lunch. Although people who...

Go North, Young Man
“You’re going to have to take those bikes off the back,” our tow truck driver said when we arrived at the repair place. We peeled off a...

Evidence of God in SLO
If your faith in God ever wanes, order the cheese board appetizer from Flour House in downtown San Luis Obispo. Before your friends beat...

The Gatherer
The guy next door asked me if we needed some wood. "This should get you through the night," he said as he dumped logs by our fire pit on...

Sometimes You’re the Road Runner
… and sometimes you’re the coyote. You know, the coyote of Saturday-morning-cartoon fame who takes a face plant over the side of a cliff...

Coming Soon to a Driveway Near You
We don’t know where we’re going or how long we’ll be gone, but we left this morning in our new-to-us Econobox, otherwise known as an RV....

Cue Up Johnny Cash - We Gotta Ring of Fire
Naturally, my mind went straight to an image of hair in flames, screaming children and litigious parents. “I’m going to rig up a hoola...