My dream kitchen... still a dream. Gary and I will make it beautiful, but first we'll smash a few walls.
It's Not Going to Work
I scooped water from the pool, boiled it on the stovetop, then scrubbed the cabinetry before putting away our dishes. The kitchen is...
As Much As I Like An Outside Nap...
...I discourage upholstered furniture outdoors. While we were in Lake County, we checked on a rental property and discovered this decor,...
After a Grueling Four Days at School
we headed north, back "home," to Lake County where Lauren could do her promotional videos for the local fair. In 30-second bombastic...
A Crunch
and a squish as my bare foot landed on a cricket. They are all over the desert and crawl up through the kitchen drain, hop around the...
She Has a Locker and Everything
We dropped our little one off into a sea of adolescence, and the shift I felt was a yearning for the world to stand still, for a bit more...
Did We Pack the Mop?
The new house could use a once over.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea... buy a fixer. Before we moved in.
Where'd We Move?
Where'd we move? A long answer to a short question... Lauren went to camp in Southern Cal, and while she was there, Gary and I stayed...